LR019 Cowpox (IM)
Cowpox is a disease that affects cows and sometimes humans. It causes small bumps on the skin. A long time ago, a clever man named Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who got cowpox did not get smallpox, a very dangerous disease. In 1796, he took some cowpox from a sick cow and injected it into a young boy's arm. The boy got a little sick, but got better. Later, Jenner gave the boy smallpox, but he did not get sick. This was the beginning of vaccines, which are now used to protect us from many diseases.
Cowpox is a disease
Cowpox affects cows and sometimes humans
Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids did not get smallpox
Milkmaid got cowpox
This was the beginning of vaccines
Vaccines are now used to protect us from many disease
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